90,000 eTexts ... The best site to use if you are hunting for the
on-line version.
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Best of the Web
(N.Y. Public Library)
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[the] subject index is excellent
& Wales
Univ. Library
am sure you underestimate the value of your book
site! Maybe others are too shy to let you know how much they use
these resources.
One of the difficulties of studying Classics in South
Australia (I live in Adelaide) is getting hold of some of the
Our State Library is fantastic, but if they don't have what
you want, the next big library is about 800 km away. I study
by correspondence and my university is about 1400 km away. So it's
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... [DBI] has been so much value to me doing a BA in
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Thornton Friends
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March 2007 "...DBI
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Tribble, UK
Ddromischus Displayed
New: We now provide support for: iPad, Kindle, & Nook
New: We have added the entire online catalog of Wiley Interscience
n Welcome! Over the last decade, a quiet revolution has been going on
in the development of a large library of "digital" or
"electronic" books. While there are still large gaps, a very
substantial body of "Western" thought is available in the form
of downloadable or on-line books. Most major writers, from Plato to
Hemingway, Fitzgerald, Proust, or John Le Carre, are accessible on the
Internet. Subjects range from the highly scholarly to the contemporary and
popular -- especially as more commercial publishers discover the virtues
of "on-line" distribution. This index is intended as a
"Meta-index" for most major eBook sites, along with thousands of
smaller specialized sites. In some subject categories, the
resources you find here are more comprehensive than those of all but the
largest of research libraries, due to the budget & space constraints
of smaller institutions.
n Digital Book Index provides
links to more than 165,000 full-text digital books from more than 1800 commercial
and non-commercial publishers, universities, and various
private sites. More than 140,000 of these books, texts, and documents are
available free.

. |
Here's some of what you will find:
n Reference Books: More than 2000 Dictionaries,
Encyclopedias, Thesauri, Glossaries, Bibliographies, Chronologies,
Timelines, Literary Histories, Biographies, Writing & Style Guides
& Student Study aids.
nnn Literature
& Languages: About
12,000 basic texts in English & American Literature, ranging from
Chaucer & other medieval texts to modern, contemporary Fiction &
Literature. This includes the most comprehensive, openly-accessible
collection of 19th century American Literature available on the Internet,
as well as extensive collections on Shakespeare (at least eight different
editions -- modern,
old-spelling, & photo facsimiles of the original Folios & Quartos,
etc.); the American Renaissance (Transcendentalism); the Harlem
Renaissance; 3000+ Short Stories, Diaries, Sagas, and Ballads; along with
2500+ volumes of Canadian, Australian, ancient Greek & Latin, French,
Russian, German, Italian, Spanish, Scandinavian, Indian (limited), Chinese
(limited), & Japanese (limited) literatures. There are 3000 volumes of
Poetry and more than 3000 volumes by women writers.
nnn History: About 15,000 volumes in North American
history, from the early European voyages of Exploration and Discovery,
early settlement, the colonial period, the Revolutionary War period, the
fur traders & mountainmen, the Gold rushes, the pioneer expansion
westward, the Civil-War, Reconstruction, etc. Other collections include
English & Irish history, European, (ancient, medieval, &
Renaissance texts through World War I & II), Latin American,
Middle-Eastern, Asian, & African history, as well as Military history
and the history of Science, Medicine, & Technology. Local &
regional history are organized by states & regions. More than 1000
historical documents are arranged in chronological order
nnn Social Sciences: Collections in Anthropology,
Sociology, Psychology, Ethnology & Folklore, Mythology, & Legends;
Economics, Political Economy, & Economic History; Politics, Political
Science, Political philosophy.
nnn Medicine & Health: An extensive collection of
about 1500 medical & health books for both professionals &
patients (Anatomy, Radiology, Infectious Diseases, Endocrinology,
Hematology, Neuroscience, Surgery, Oncology, Virology, Dentistry, Public
Health, etc. etc.), along with medical history.
nnn Math & Sciences: Mathematics (1900+ vols.),
Astronomy, Biology, Botany & Zoology, Biochemistry, Microbiology,
Molecular & Cell Biology, Plant Biology, Genetics, evolutionary
thought, Biomedical Ethics; Chemistry, Biochemistry, Inorganic &
Organic Chemistry, Spectroscopy; Materials & Industrial Science;
Physics; Engineering, Electronics & Communications Technologies, &
Computer Science.
nnn Philosophy & Religion: Religion includes 1200+ titles on Christianity,
Judiaism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Shinto, Daoism, Taoism, Sikhism,
etc.; as well as Witchcraft, Occultism, Magic, etc.
nnn Law: Legal resources include US Constitutional history, state
constitutions, treaties, legal-historical documents, state statues &
laws, legal ethics rules, copyright, and consumer information.
nnn The Arts: Art & Graphic arts; Architecture, Landscape
Architecture, Dance, Decorative Arts, Costume, Theatre & Drama (more
than 1000 plays), Music, Photography, Film & Video, & the Book
nnn Childrens eBooks: About 3500 contemporary & classic children's books
and stories
nnn Other selections include Agriculture (1500+ titles); Business (600+);
Education & Education History; Transportation (roads, bridges, canals,
& railroads, etc.), Textbooks (free & commercial); Cooking &
Food, Games (chess, etc.), & Pets; Travel books; environmentalism;
& various "Area Studies:" Native-Americans, Afro-Americans,
Women's Studies & issues; China, Egypt, India, Japan, &
Medieval & Renaissance Studies.
..... |
(partial list):
Gutenberg Project
NetLibrary (OCLC)
Internet Archive
National Academy Press
National Park Service (US)
Sacred Texts (Web)
Wiley Interscience
The British Library (UK)
The Library of Congress
The Biblioth�que Nationale
The National Library of the Netherlands
The National Library of Scotland
The National Library of Canada
Carnegie Mellon University
Case Western Reserve University
Cornell University
Duke University Library
Fordham Unversity
Harvard University Library
Indiana University Library
Johns Hopkins University Libr.
Mass Institute of Technology
Yale University
Digital Library of India
The Univ. of California (SunSite, etc.)
The Univ. of California, Bancroft Library
The University of Arizona
The University of Michigan
The University of Virginia
The University of North Carolina
The University of Florida
The University of Pennsylvania
The University of Pittsburgh
The University of Maryland
The University of Illinois-Urbana
The University of Kansas
The University of Kentucky
The University of Iowa
The University of Nebraska
The University of Oregon
The University of Chicago
The University of Missouri
The University of Utah
The University of Rochester
The University of Texas
The University of Wisconsin
Tufts University (Perseus Project)
New York Public Library
Boston Public Library
Chicago Historical Society
Missouri Botanical Gardens
Maryland State Archives
New York Botanical Gardens
Wisconsin Historical Society
The National Library of Canada
The University of Alberta (Can)
The University of British Columbia
The University of Toronto (Can)
The University of Saskatchewan (Can)
The University of Calgary (Can)
Brock University (Can)
McMaster University (Can)
York University (Can)
Creighton University (Can)
The Memorial Univ. Newfoundland
Oxford University (UK)
The National Library of Scotland (US)
The Warburg Institute (UK)
The University of Bristol (UK)
The University of Surrey (UK)
The University of Warwick (UK)
The University of St. Andrews (UK)
The University of Birmingham (UK)
The University of Leicester (UK)
The University of Bath (UK)
The University of Durham (UK)
The University of London (UK)
The University of Strathclyde (UK)
The University of Glasgow (UK)
The University of Augsburg
The University of Leiden
The University of Marburg
The University of Gottingen
The University of Braunchweig
The University of Groningen
The University of Heidelberg
The University of Mannheim
The University of Basel
The University of Poitiers
Linkopings University
Trinity College, Dublin (Ireland)
Trinity College, Hartford (US)
The University of Limerick (Ireland)
Max Planck Institute
University of Queensland (Aus)
University of Adelaide (Australia)
University of Sydney (Australia)
Toyo Gakuen University (Japan)
Nagoya Univesrity (Japan)
Keio University Tokyo (Japan)
. . . and HUNDREDS of others!
Approximately 200
University Presses
and several hundred
commercial Publishers, including:
Random House
Simon & Schuster
Bantam Books
. . . and HUNDREDS of others.
For more detailed information, go to
"Search By Publisher" after logging in. |
good and very useful... [One of] Our favorites"
nnnnnnn-- Homework H(e)aven