Author: Elliott, Charles Wyllys, 1817-1883
Title: St. Domingo, its revolution and its hero, Toussaint Louverture. An historical discourse, NY Libr. Assn. 1855
Year: 1855 NY
Format: PDF Kindle EPub
Price: Free
Publisher: NYPL
Author: Erbach-Erbach, Ernst
Title: Reisebriefe aus Amerika. [desc. & travel - Cuba, Haiti]
Year: 1873Heidlbg
Format: PDF Kindle EPub
Price: Free
Publisher: UIll-Urbana
Author: Franklin, James
Title: The present state of Hayti (Saint Domingo) ... Agriculture, commerce, laws, religion, finances, population...
Year: 1828 Lond.
Format: PDF Kindle EPub
Price: Free
Publisher: UCalifornia
Author: Garrett, Mitchell Bennett, 1881-1959
Title: The French colonial question, 1789-1791: Dealings of the Constituent assm. ...revolution in the WI [bibliog.]
Year: 1916 AnnArb
Format: PDF Kindle EPub
Price: Free
Publisher: UCalifornia
Author: Gilliam, Edward Winslow, 1834-
Title: 1791: A tale of San Domingo [Haiti - fiction]
Year: 1890c Balt.
Format: PDF Kindle EPub
Price: Free
Publisher: UCalifornia
Author: Greene, Anne
Title: The Catholic Church In Haiti
Year: 1993
Format: NetLibr (Ebsco)
Price: 28.95
Publisher: MichStUPr
Author: Haggerty, Richard A., ed
Title: Dominican Republic and Haiti: Country Studies
Year: 1989ca Wash
Format: Html
Price: Free
Publisher: Libr Congress
Author: Haiti (Kingdom). Conseil Gen�ral
Title: Liberte et independance. Royaume d'Hayti. Proces verbal des seances du conseil general de la nation
Year: 1814 CapHen
Format: PDF Kindle EPub
Price: Free
Publisher: BostonPL
Author: Haiti (Rep). Gendarmerie. Service Med.
Title: Lessons in Haitian Creole with some information regarding the Republic of Haiti
Year: 1921 P-a-P
Format: PDF Kindle EPub
Price: Free
Publisher: UCalifornia
Author: Haiti (Republic)
Title: Documents diplomatiques: affaire Maunder
Year: 1882
Format: PDF Kindle EPub
Price: Free
Publisher: OxfordU
Author: Haiti, Linstant Pradine
Title: Les codes haitiens annotes
Year: 1883
Format: PDF Kindle EPub
Price: Free
Publisher: OxfordU
Author: Haiti.
Title: Bulletin des lois
Year: 1876
Format: PDF Kindle EPub
Price: Free
Publisher: Intnt Archive
Author: Haiti.
Title: L'affaire de la consolidation: pourvoi en cassation des accuses
Year: 1904?
Format: PDF Kindle EPub
Price: Free
Publisher: Harvard.
Author: Haiti.
Title: Loi sur l'arpentage suivie de commentaires [Ducis Viard]
Year: 1890
Format: PDF Kindle EPub
Price: Free
Publisher: Harvard.
Author: Haiti.
Title: Lois sur les douanes de la republique d'Haiti et tarifs y annexes ...
Year: 1896
Format: PDF Kindle EPub
Price: Free
Publisher: Harvard.
Author: Haiti.
Title: Recueil de lois relatives aux biens du domaine national
Year: 1903
Format: PDF Kindle EPub
Price: Free
Publisher: Harvard.
Author: Haiti. Constitution
Title: Revision de la Constitution haitienne de 1806
Year: 1816 P-a-P
Format: PDF Kindle EPub
Price: Free
Publisher: BostonPL
Author: Haiti. Laws, statutes, etc
Title: The rural code of Haiti, in French and English [agricultural laws]
Year: 1827 Lond.
Format: PDF Kindle EPub
Price: Free
Publisher: UCLA
Author: Haiti. Laws, Statutes, etc.
Title: Code civil d'Haiti
Year: 1826 Paris
Format: PDF Kindle EPub
Price: Free
Publisher: BostonPL
Author: Haiti. Laws, Statutes, etc.
Title: Code d'instruction criminelle d'Haiti: augemente de toutes les lois portant modifications ...
Year: 1874
Format: PDF Kindle EPub
Price: Free
Publisher: Intnt Archive
Author: Haiti. Laws, Statutes, etc.
Title: Code Henry [1: civile; 2: Commerce; 3: les prises; 4: civile; 5: criminelle; 8: militaire; 9: penale militair
Year: 1812] CapHn
Format: PDF Kindle EPub
Price: Free
Publisher: BostonPL
Author: Haiti. Laws, Statutes, etc.
Title: Code penal d'Haiti (1892)
Year: 1892 P-a-P
Format: PDF Kindle EPub
Price: Free
Publisher: UMichigan.
Author: Haiti. Laws, Statutes, etc.
Title: Code penal d'Haiti (1926)
Year: 1826
Format: PDF Kindle EPub
Price: Free
Publisher: NYPL
Author: Haiti. Sovereign (1811-1820: Henri Crist
Title: Royaume d'Hayti. Manifeste du roi. [foreign relations - France]
Year: 1814 CapHen
Format: PDF Kindle EPub
Price: Free
Publisher: BostonPL
Author: Hanna, Stewart William (d. 1851)
Title: Notes of a visit to some parts of Haiti, Jan. Feb. 1835
Year: 1836 Lond.
Format: PDF Kindle EPub
Price: Free
Publisher: NYPL
Author: Harris, J. Dennis
Title: A summer on the borders of the Caribbean sea [D.R.; Hayti; Grand Turk's & Caicos; Br. Honduras]
Year: 1860 NY
Format: PDF Kindle EPub
Price: Free
Publisher: UCalifornia
Author: Hazard, Samuel, 1834-1876
Title: Santo Domingo past and present, with a glance at Hayti
Year: 1873 NY
Format: PDF Kindle EPub
Price: Free
Publisher: UCalifornia
Author: Hecke, J. Valentin
Title: Reise durch die Vereinigten Staaten von Nord-Amerika in den Jahren 1818 und 1819 ... [U.S., Haiti, England]
Year: 1820 Berlin
Format: PDF Kindle EPub
Price: Free
Publisher: UCalifornia
Author: Henty, George Alfred, 1832-1902
Title: A roving commission; or, Through the black insurrection at Hayti [juveile fiction; revolution]
Year: 1899c NY
Format: PDF Kindle EPub
Price: Free
Publisher: UCLA
Author: Herrick, Francis Hobart, 1858-1940
Title: Audubon, the naturalist: A history of his life and time, v1 [bibliog. p 401-456; lacking t.p.]
Year: 1917c] NY
Format: PDF Kindle EPub
Price: Free
Publisher: NYPL
Author: Herrick, Francis Hobart, 1858-1940
Title: Audubon, the naturalist: A history of his life and time, v2 [Haiti: Slavery; revolution]
Year: 1917c] NY
Format: PDF Kindle EPub
Price: Free
Publisher: NYPL
Author: Inman, Samuel Guy, 1877-1965
Title: Through Santo Domingo and Haiti: A cruise with the Marines [Comm. on Co-op. in Latin Amer.]
Year: 1919 NY
Format: PDF Kindle EPub
Price: Free
Publisher: UCalifornia
Author: Intl Bur. Amer. Repub., Wash. DC
Title: Haiti: A handbook [tariff]
Year: 1893 GPO
Format: PDF Kindle EPub
Price: Free
Publisher: UMichigan.
Author: Janvier, Louis Joseph
Title: Les constitutions d'Haiti, 1801-1885
Year: 1886
Format: PDF Kindle EPub
Price: Free
Publisher: UCalifornia
Author: Jenkins, Edward, 1838-1910
Title: Lutchmee and Dilloo: A story of West Indian Life, v 1 [fiction; West Indian, working class & labor movement]
Year: 1877 Lond.
Format: PDF Kindle EPub
Price: Free
Publisher: UIll-Urbana