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Author: Jenkins, Edward, 1838-1910

Title: Lutchmee and Dilloo: A story of West Indian Life, v 2

Year: 1877 Lond.

Price: Free

Publisher: UIll-Urbana

Author: Jenkins, Edward, 1838-1910

Title: Lutchmee and Dilloo: A story of West Indian Life, v 3

Year: 1877 Lond.

Price: Free

Publisher: UIll-Urbana

Author: Johnson, James Weldon, 1871-1938

Title: Self-determining Haiti [Natl. Assn Adv. Colored People]

Year: 1920 NY

Price: Free

Publisher: CornellU

Author: Johnson, James Weldon, 1871-1938; NAACP

Title: Self-determining Haiti [The Nation]

Year: 1920c NY

Price: Free

Publisher: UCalifornia

Author: Kelsey, Carl, 1870-1953

Title: The American intervention in Haiti and the Dominican Republic

Year: 1922 Phila.

Price: Free

Publisher: CornellU

Author: Kumar, Chetan

Title: Building Peace in Haiti

Year: 1998 Bldr

Format: Questia

Price: subs

Publisher: Rienner

Author: Kuser, John Dryden

Title: Haiti: Its dawn of progress after years in a night of revolution [desc. & travel]

Year: 1921c Bost.

Price: Free

Publisher: UCalifornia

Author: Leger, Jacques Nicolas, 1859-

Title: Haiti, her history and her detractors

Year: 1907 NY

Price: Free

Publisher: UToronto

Author: Leger, Jacques Nicolas, 1859-

Title: Haiti, son histoire et ses detracteurs

Year: 1907 NY

Price: Free

Publisher: Harvard.

Author: MacCorkle, William Alexander, 1857-1930

Title: The Monroe doctrine in its relation to the republic of Haiti

Year: 1915 NY

Price: Free

Publisher: UVirginia

Author: Mackenzie, Charles

Title: Notes on Haiti, made during a residence in that republic, v 1 [desc. & travel]

Year: 1830 Lond.

Price: Free

Publisher: BrownUniv

Author: Mackenzie, Charles

Title: Notes on Haiti, made during a residence in that republic, v 2 [desc. & travel]

Year: 1830 Lond.

Price: Free

Publisher: BrownUniv

Author: Madiou, Thomas, 1814-1884

Title: Histoire d'Haiti

Year: 1847 P-a-P

Price: Free

Publisher: Harvard.

Author: Maris, Martin

Title: Souvenirs d'Amerique: Relations d'un voyage au Texas et en Haiti

Year: 1863

Price: Free

Publisher: Harvard.

Author: Martineau, Harriet, 1802-1876

Title: The hour and the man. A historical romance, v 1 [leader of Hatian Revolution; fiction]

Year: 1841 Lond.

Price: Free

Publisher: UIll-Urbana

Author: Martineau, Harriet, 1802-1876

Title: The hour and the man. A historical romance, v 2

Year: 1841 Lond.

Price: Free

Publisher: UIll-Urbana

Author: Martineau, Harriet, 1802-1876

Title: The hour and the man. A historical romance, v 3

Year: 1841 Lond.

Price: Free

Publisher: UIll-Urbana

Author: Mills, Herbert Elmer, 1861-

Title: The early years of the French revolution in San Domingo.. [France, colonies - Santa Domingo, Haiti]

Year: 1892]

Price: Free

Publisher: UCalifornia

Author: Nau, Emile

Title: Histoire des caciques d'Haiti

Year: 2ed

Price: Free

Publisher: Intnt Archive

Author: Palack, Jan, 1830-1908

Title: Zur Flora von Domingo-Haiti, v 2 [plants]

Year: 1896

Price: Free

Publisher: NYBotGarden

Author: Parmentier, Jean, 1494-1530

Title: Le discours de la navigation de Jean et Raoul Parmentier de Dieppe. Voyage ... [Sumatra, Indonesia; Haiti]

Year: 1883 Paris

Price: Free

Publisher: UCalifornia

Author: Price, Hannibal

Title: Rapport Adresse Au Gouvernement D'Haiti [delegue a la Conf. Intl. Amer, 1889-90, Wash.]

Year: 1890

Price: Free

Publisher: UTexas

Author: Price, Hannibal] (d. 1893)

Title: The Haytian question [US - Haitian relations]

Year: 1891 NY

Price: Free

Publisher: UCalifornia

Author: Rafinesque, Constantine Samuel, 1783-184

Title: The American nations [v1] ... annals, traditions, civilization, langs... tribes, empires [creole dialect]

Year: 1836 Phila.

Price: Free

Publisher: UCalifornia

Author: Redpath, James, 1833-1891

Title: A guide to Hayti [guidebooks; Haytian Bur. of Emigraion]

Year: 1861 Bost.

Price: Free

Publisher: UCalifornia

Author: Reynoso, Alvaro, 1829-1888

Title: Notas acerca del cultivo en camellones agricultura de los indigenas de Cuba y Haiti

Year: 1881 Paris

Price: Free

Publisher: Harvard.

Author: Robin, Raymond

Title: Le droit d'asile diplomatique, sa suppression en Haiti

Year: n.d.

Price: Free

Publisher: Harvard.

Author: Rodriguez Castro, Jose

Title: Cosas de Haiti

Year: 1893 Ponce

Price: Free

Publisher: Harvard.

Author: Rosiers, comte de Bissaitne

Title: Hayti reconnaissante en reponse a un ecrit: imprime a Londres, et intitule L'Europe chatiee, et l'Afrique ven

Year: 1819 SansSu

Price: Free

Publisher: BostonPL

Author: Roux, P.

Title: Almanach royal d'Hayti pour l'annee 1816

Year: 1816CHenry

Price: Free

Publisher: BostonPL

Author: Scherzer, Karl, 1821-1903

Title: Aus dem natur- und volkerleben im tropischen Amerika [Faustino I, Emperor of Haiti, 1789?-1867]

Year: 1864 Leipzg

Price: Free

Publisher: NYPL

Author: Schmidt, Hans, 1938-

Title: The United States Occupation Of Haiti, 1915-1934

Year: 1995

Price: 18.00

Publisher: RutgersUPr

Author: Smithsonian Folklife Festival (2004: Was

Title: Smithsonian Folklife Festival: Haiti, freedom & creativity from the mountains to the sea; Nuestra M�sica ...

Year: 2004 Wash.

Price: Free

Publisher: Smithsonian

Author: Thompson, Waddy, 1798-1868

Title: Remarks of the Hon. Waddy Thompson, on the proposition to recognize the republic of Hayti;

Year: 1839 Wash.

Price: Free

Publisher: Libr Congress

Author: U.S. Cong.103 1s sess House. Foreign Aff

Title: Haiti: The agreement of Governor's Island and its implementation: hearing ... July 1993

Year: 1994

Price: Free

Publisher: BostonPL

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