. .nnnnResults of your Publisher Search - Sorted by Title |
Wirth, Max, 1822-1900 | Geschichte der Handelskrisen | 1890 Frnkft | PDF Kindle EPub | Free | UToronto |
Wirth, Max, 1822-1900 | Geschichte der Handelskrisis im Jahre 1873 | 1874 Frnkft | PDF Kindle EPub | Free | UToronto |
Kottek, Heimann | Geschichte der Juden | 1915Frnkfur | PDF Kindle EPub | Free | UToronto |
Meisl, Josef, 1882-1958 | Geschichte der Juden in Polen und Russland, v 1 | 1921-2Berli | PDF Kindle EPub | Free | UToronto |
Langen, Joseph | Geschichte der romischen Kirche, v 1 [bibliog. refs.] | 1881-93Bonn | PDF Kindle EPub | Free | UToronto |
Langen, Joseph | Geschichte der romischen Kirche, v 2 | 1881-93Bonn | PDF Kindle EPub | Free | UToronto |
Langen, Joseph | Geschichte der romischen Kirche, v 3 | 1881-93Bonn | PDF Kindle EPub | Free | UToronto |
Langen, Joseph | Geschichte der romischen Kirche, v 4 | 1881-93Bonn | PDF Kindle EPub | Free | UToronto |
Blosch, Emil, 1838-1900 | Geschichte der Schweizerisch-Reformierten Kirchen, v 1 | 1898-9 Bern | PDF Kindle EPub | Free | UToronto |
Kapp, Friedrich, 1824-1884 | Geschichte des deutschen Buchhandels: ..., v 2: Geschichte des Deutschen Buchhandels vom Westf lischen Friedern bis zum Beginn der klassisch | 1886 Leipzg | PDF Kindle EPub | Free | UToronto |
Kapp, Friedrich, 1824-1884 | Geschichte des deutschen Buchhandels: ..., v 3: Geschichte des Deutschen Buchhandels vom Beginn der klassischen Litteraturperiode bis zum Be | 1886 Leipzg | PDF Kindle EPub | Free | UToronto |
Kapp, Friedrich, 1824-1884 | Geschichte des deutschen Buchhandels: ..., v 4: Geschichte des Deutschen Buchhandels vom Beginn der Fremdherrschaft bis zur Reform des V rse | 1886 Leipzg | PDF Kindle EPub | Free | UToronto |
Guthe, Hermann, 1849- | Geschichte des ebraischen Zeitalters | 1894 Leipzg | PDF Kindle EPub | Free | UToronto |
Creizenach, Wilhelm Michael Anton, 1851-1919; Otto | Geschichte des neueren Dramas v 1 | 1893 Halle | PDF Kindle EPub | Free | UToronto |
Creizenach, Wilhelm Michael Anton, 1851-1919; Otto | Geschichte des neueren Dramas v 3 | 1893 Halle | PDF Kindle EPub | Free | UToronto |
Creizenach, Wilhelm Michael Anton, 1851-1919; Otto | Geschichte des neueren Dramas v 4 | 1893 Halle | PDF Kindle EPub | Free | UToronto |
Creizenach, Wilhelm Michael Anton, 1851-1919; Otto | Geschichte des neueren Dramas v 5 | 1893 Halle | PDF Kindle EPub | Free | UToronto |
Hammer-Purgstall, Joseph, 1774-1856 | Geschichte des Osmanischen Reiches, groszentheils aus bisher unben�tzten Handschriften und Archiven, v 1 | 1834 Pesth | PDF Kindle EPub | Free | UToronto |
Hammer-Purgstall, Joseph, 1774-1856 | Geschichte des Osmanischen Reiches, groszentheils aus bisher unben�tzten Handschriften und Archiven, v 2 | 1834 Pesth | PDF Kindle EPub | Free | UToronto |
Riffel, Caspar, 1807-1856 | Geschichtliche Darstellung des Verhaltnisses zwischen Kirche & Staat: von der Grundung des Christenthums bis a | 1836 Mainz | PDF Kindle EPub | Free | UToronto |
Riffel, Caspar, 1807-1856 | Geschichtliche Darstellung des Verhaltnisses zwischen Kirche und Staat: von der Grundung des Christenthums bis | 1836 Mainz | PDF Kindle EPub | Free | UToronto |
Whitaker, John, 1735-1808; Coleridge, Samuel Taylo | Gibbon's History of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire, in vols. iv, v, and vi, quarto, reviewed | 1791 Lond. | PDF Kindle EPub | Free | UToronto |
Handerson, Henry Ebenezer, 1837-1918 | Gilbertus Anglicus, Medicine, of the Thirteenth Century [Gilbert the Englishman, fl. 1250; Cleveland Medical | 1918 Clevln | PDF Kindle EPub | Free | UToronto |
O'Connor, Thomas Power, 1848-1929 & R M | Gladstone - Parnell & the great Irish struggle. A complete & thrilling history... w/biogs of Gladstone, Parnel | c1886] Phil | PDF Kindle EPub | Free | UToronto |
Holfler, Karl Adolf Constantin, Ritter von, 1811-1 | Glagolitische Fragments. | 1857 Prague | PDF Kindle EPub | Free | UToronto |
Jenkins, Edward, 1838-1910 | Glances at Inner England: A lecture delivered in the US & Canada | 1874 Lond. | PDF Kindle EPub | Free | UToronto |
Marson, Percival | Glass & Glass Manufacture [chemistry, physical properties, etc.] | n.d. Lond. | Graphic Txt | Free | UToronto |
Rosenhain, Walter, 1875-1904 | Glass Manufacture | 1919 Lond. | PDF Kindle EPub | Free | UToronto |
Apperson, George Latimer, 1857- | Gleanings after Time: Chapters in Social & Domestic History | 1907 Lond. | PDF Kindle EPub | Free | UToronto |
Little, Archibald John, 1838-1908 | Gleanings from fifty years in China (rev. by Mrs. Archibald Little) | 1910 Lond. | PDF Kindle EPub | Free | UToronto |
Sorestad, Glen (1937- ) | Glen Sorestad: Selected Poems (w/biography & bibliography) | various | Html | Free | UToronto |
Drew, William Allen, 1798-1879 | Glimpses and gatherings during a voyage & visit to London & the Great Exhibition, summer of 1851 | 1852Augusta | PDF Kindle EPub | Free | UToronto |
Hearn, Lafcadio, 1850-1904 | Glimpses of unfamiliar Japan, v 1 | 1894] Bost. | PDF Kindle EPub | Free | UToronto |
Hearn, Lafcadio, 1850-1904 | Glimpses of unfamiliar Japan, v 2 | 1894] Bost. | PDF Kindle EPub | Free | UToronto |
Glossary of Literary Theory [lit.] | On-Line | Free | UToronto | ||
Baker, Anne Elizabeth, 1786-1861 | Glossary of Northamptonshire Words & Phrases; [v1] with examples of their colloquial use, & illus. from variou | 1854 Lond. | PDF Kindle EPub | Free | UToronto |
Baker, Anne Elizabeth, 1786-1861 | Glossary of Northamptonshire Words & Phrases; [v2] with examples of their colloquial use, & illus. from author | PDF Kindle EPub | Free | UToronto | |
Baker, Anne Elizabeth, 1786-1861 | Glossary of Northamptonshire Words & Phrases; [v2] with examples of their colloquial use, & illus. from author | 1854 Lond. | PDF Kindle EPub | Free | UToronto |
Cheever, George Barrell, 1807-1890 | God against slavery & the freedom & duty of the pulpit to rebuke it, as a sin against God | n.d. Cinc. | PDF Kindle EPub | Free | UToronto |
Pugh, James Lawrence, 1820-1907 | Gold & Silver against Gold Monopoly: unconditional repeal of the Sherman law insures the latter [Sherman silv | 1893] Wash. | PDF Kindle EPub | Free | UToronto |
Hill, John, Jr. | Gold Bricks of Speculation | 1904 Chi. | PDF Kindle EPub | Free | UToronto |
Hawtrey, Ralph George, 1879- | Good & bad trade: An inquiry into the causes of trade fluctuations [money, business cycles, depressions] | 1913 Lond. | PDF Kindle EPub | Free | UToronto |
Frost, Robert | Good-Bye, and Keep Cold | 1923 | Html | Free | UToronto |
Blunt, Wilfrid Scawen, 1840-1922 | Gordon at Khartoum: ... a personal narrative of events, in continuation of "A secret history of the English oc | 1911 Lond. | PDF Kindle EPub | Free | UToronto |
Skelton, Constance Oliver & John Malcolm | Gordons Under Arms; a biographical muster roll of officers named Gordon in the navies & armies of Britain, Eur | 1912Aberdn | PDF Kindle EPub | Free | UToronto |
Smith, Joshua Toulmin, 1816-1869 | Government by commissions illegal & pernicious. The nature & effects of all commissions of inquiry & crown-app | 1849 Lond. | PDF Kindle EPub | Free | UToronto |
Thurston, Edgar, 1855-1935 | Government Central Museum, Madras [India]: Coins: Catalog #1. Mysore #2. Roman, Indo-Portuguese & Ceylon #3. S | 1888-89 | PDF Kindle EPub | Free | UToronto |
Lal Behari Day | Govinda Samanta, or the history of a Bengal Raiyat | n.d. | PDF Kindle EPub | Free | UToronto |
Jagi, Vatroslav, 1838-1923 | Gradja za glagolsku paleografiju [Glagolitic] | 1868 Zagreb | PDF Kindle EPub | Free | UToronto |
Grafton, Richard, d. 1572? | Grafton's Chronicle: or, History of England. [v1] To which is added his table of the bailiffs, sherrifs, & may | 1809 Lond. | PDF Kindle EPub | Free | UToronto |
Blanc, Charles, 1813-1882 | Grammaire des arts du dessin; architecture, sculpture, peinture ... [illus.] | 1876 Paris | Graphic Txt | Free | UToronto |
Maunsell, R. | Grammar of the New Zealand language [Maori lang.] | 1882 Melbrn | PDF Kindle EPub | Free | UToronto |
Grand Dictionnaire Universel (Pierre Larousse) | 1999 | Html | Free | UToronto | |
Ancey, Georges Marie Edmond Mathevon de | Grand'mere: comedie en trois actes | 1890 Paris | Graphic Txt | Free | UToronto |
Gordon Cumming, Constance F., 1837-1924 | Granite Crags [Calif. - desc. & travel; Yosemite valley] | 1884 Edinbg | PDF Kindle EPub | Free | UToronto |
Ball, Robert Stawell (Sir) 1840-1913 | Great Astronomers [Couch; Airy; Bradley; Brahe; Brinkley; Copernicus; Flamsteed; Galileo; Halley; Hamilton; Herschel; Kepler; Laplace; Le V | 1907 Lond. | PDF Kindle EPub | Free | UToronto |
Ball, Robert Stawell (Sir) 1840-1913 | Great astronomers [Ptolemy, Copernicus, Brahe, Galileo, Kepler, Newton, Flamsteed, Halley, Bradley, Herschel, LaPlace, Brinkley, Rosse, Air | 1907 Lond. | PDF Kindle EPub | Free | UToronto |
Bourassa, Henri, 1868-1952 | Great Britain & Canada: Topics of the day | 1902caMontr | PDF Kindle EPub | Free | UToronto |
Fay, Charles Ryle, 1884- | Great Britain from Adam Smith to the present day: an economic & social survey [econ & soc. conditions] | 1928 Lond. | Graphic Txt | Free | UToronto |
Cravath, Paul Drennan, 1861- | Great Britain's Part: observations of an American visitor to the British army in France at the beginning of th | 1917 NY | PDF Kindle EPub | Free | UToronto |
Lavery, Felix, et. al. | Great Irishmen in War & Politics [WWI] (comp. Felix Lavery) | 1920 Lond. | PDF Kindle EPub | Free | UToronto |
Greater Toronto & the men who made it | 1911Toronto | Graphic Txt | Free | UToronto | |
Thomson, James Alexander Kerr, 1879-1959 | Greeks & barbarians [Literature, Comparative; National characteristics, Greek (Ancient)] | 1921 Lond. | PDF Kindle EPub | Free | UToronto |
Ullmann, Karl, 1796-1865 | Gregory of Nazianzum [Saint Gregory, of Nazianzus] (tr. George V Cox) | 1851 Lond. | PDF Kindle EPub | Free | UToronto |
Gardthausen, Viktor Emil, 1843-1925 | Griechische palaeographie, v 1: Das Buchwesen im Altertum und im byzantinischen Mittelalter | 1911 Leipzg | PDF Kindle EPub | Free | UToronto |
Droysen, Johann Gustav, 1808-1884 | Grundriss der Historik [Buckle, Henry Thomas, 1821-1862] | 1882 Leipzg | PDF Kindle EPub | Free | UToronto |
Aubert, Hermann | Grundzuge der physiologischen Optic [physiological optics] | 1876 Leipzg | PDF Kindle EPub | Free | UToronto |
British Museum. Dept. of Brit. & Medieva | Guide to the English ceramic ante-room & the glass & ceramic gallery [glassware, pottery -- London] | 1888 Lond. | PDF Kindle EPub | Free | UToronto |
British Museum. Dept. of Manuscripts | Guide to the Exhibited Manuscripts, pt 2, Manuscripts ... Charters & Seals exhibited in the Manuscript Saloon [illus.) | 1912 Lond. | PDF Kindle EPub | Free | UToronto |
Swift, Jonathan | Gulliver's Travels (Part I-IV) | 1726 | Html | Free | UToronto |
Spindler, Karl (German Navy) | Gun running for Casement in the Easter rebellion, 1916 (tr. W Montgomery & E H McGrath) | 1921 Lond. | PDF Kindle EPub | Free | UToronto |
MacEwen, Gwendolyn (1941- ) | Gwendolyn MacEwen: Selected Poems (w/biography & bibliography) | various | Html | Free | UToronto |
Stokes, Whitley, 1830-1909; Jordan, Wm. (fl. 1611) | Gwreans an bys: the Creation of the World, a Cornish mystery | 1864 Lond. | PDF Kindle EPub | Free | UToronto |
Norris, Charles Camblos, 1876- | Gynecological & obstetrical tuberculosis [Female -- Tuberculosis] | 1923 NY | PDF Kindle EPub | Free | UToronto |
Leger, Jacques Nicolas, 1859- | Haiti, her history and her detractors | 1907 NY | PDF Kindle EPub | Free | UToronto |
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